General code improvements, progress step tracker implementation for worldgen, and work towards enemy behavior
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,11 +72,8 @@ texture = ExtResource("3_ca38s")
[sub_resource type="TileSetScenesCollectionSource" id="TileSetScenesCollectionSource_mxjkl"]
resource_name = "Entity Markers"
scenes/1/scene = ExtResource("4_skp8u")
scenes/1/display_placeholder = ExtResource("4_skp8u")
scenes/2/scene = ExtResource("5_5hygb")
scenes/2/display_placeholder = ExtResource("5_5hygb")
scenes/3/scene = ExtResource("6_m5a4l")
scenes/3/display_placeholder = ExtResource("6_m5a4l")
physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1
@ -1,20 +1,31 @@
class_name Creature
extends Node
extends CharacterBody2D
signal damaged(amount)
signal healed(amount)
signal death()
## Emitted when the creature is damaged
signal damaged(amount: int)
## Emitted when the creature is healed
signal healed(amount: int)
## Emitted when the creature dies
signal death
## Emitted when a status effect is applied to the creature
signal status_effect_applied(effect: StatusEffect)
## Emitted when a status effect is removed from the creature
signal status_effect_removed(effect: StatusEffect)
var max_hp: int = 1
var death_sound: AudioStream = null
## The creature's maximum health
@export var max_hp: int = 1
var free_on_death: bool = true
## The sound to play when the creature dies
@export var death_sound: AudioStream = null
## If true, the creature will be freed when it dies
@export var free_on_death: bool = true
@export var uses_gravity: bool = true
## The creature's current health
var hp: int:
return hp
@ -31,20 +42,43 @@ var hp: int :
if hp == 0:
var _status_effects: Array = []
@onready var default_gravity: float = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity")
func _ready() -> void:
self.hp = self.max_hp
if self.has_method("_on_ready"):
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if self.uses_gravity:
self.velocity.y += self.default_gravity * delta
if self.is_on_floor():
self.velocity.y = 0
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
for status_effect in self._status_effects:
status_effect.process(self, delta)
## Damage the creature by the given amount
func take_damage(damage: int) -> void:
self.hp -= damage
## Heal the creature by the given amount
func heal(amount: int) -> void:
self.hp += amount
func _creature_on_death() -> void:
## Callback for when the creature dies
func _creature_on_death() -> void:
# Play a sound on creature death
if self.death_sound:
var audio_player =
@ -57,3 +91,30 @@ func _creature_on_death() -> void:
# Destroy on death
if self.free_on_death:
## Returns true if the creature's health is greater than 0
func is_alive() -> bool:
return hp > 0
## Reset the creature's health to its maximum
func reset_health() -> void:
self.hp = self.max_hp
## Apply a status effect to the creature
func apply_status_effect(status_effect: StatusEffect) -> void:
## Remove a status effect from the creature
func remove_status_effect(status_effect: StatusEffect) -> void:
## Remove all status effects from the creature
func clear_status_effects() -> void:
for status_effect in self._status_effects:
@ -1,28 +1,34 @@
class_name Enemy
extends Creature
enum State {
enum State { IDLE, CHASE, ATTACK }
var state: State = State.IDLE
@export var state: State = State.IDLE
## Speed the enemy will chase the player
@export var chase_speed: float = 25
## Distance the enemy will chase the player before attacking
@export var attack_distance: float = 10
## Maximum distance the enemy will chase the player before giving up
@export var max_chase_distance: float = 200
var animation_player: AnimationPlayer
## The area that will detect players
@export var animation_player: AnimationPlayer
var sprite: Sprite2D
## The area that will detect players
@export var sprite: Sprite2D
var detection_area: Area2D
@export var detection_area: Area2D
var _chase_target: Node2D
var _target_is_left: bool = false
func _play_animation(animation: String) -> void:
if not animation_player:
@ -35,25 +41,68 @@ func _play_animation(animation: String) -> void:
func _on_ready() -> void:
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
var animation_name = str(State.keys()[self.state]).to_lower()
sprite.flip_h = self._target_is_left
var distance: float = 0
if self._chase_target:
var target_position: Vector2 = self._chase_target.position
self._target_is_left = target_position.x < self.position.x
distance = target_position.distance_to(self.position)
match self.state:
if not self._chase_target:
self.state = State.IDLE
if distance < self.attack_distance:
self.state = State.ATTACK
if distance > self.max_chase_distance:
self._chase_target = null
self.state = State.IDLE
if distance > self.attack_distance:
self.state = State.CHASE
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
match self.state:
if not self._chase_target:
self.state = State.IDLE
# lmanley: This is super basic movement logic for test
# it will need to be updated to actually be able to
# path, jump, etc.
var target_position: Vector2 = self._chase_target.position
var direction: Vector2 = target_position - self.position
direction = direction.normalized()
self.velocity += direction * self.chase_speed * delta
self.velocity.x = 0
self._target_is_left = self._chase_target.position.x < self.position.x
func _on_detection_area_entered(body: CollisionObject2D) -> void:
match state:
if body is Player:
# If not already chasing a target and the body is a player, start chasing
if not self._chase_target and body is Player:
self._chase_target = body
self.state = State.CHASE
@ -8,43 +8,51 @@ var _subset_count: int = 0
var _tracker: ProgressTracker = null
func _init(tracker: ProgressTracker, step_name: String):
self._tracker = tracker
self._step_name = step_name
# set_substeps: set the number of substeps for this step
## Sets the number of substeps for this step
func set_substeps(substeps: int):
self._subset_count = substeps
# substep: should be called when a substep is started
## Progresses to the next substep
func substep(message: String = ""):
self._subset_index += 1
self._message = message
# complete: should be called when this step is done
## Completes this step
func complete():
# get_step_name: get the name of this step
## Returns the name of this step
func get_step_name() -> String:
return self._step_name
# get_message: get the message for this step
## Returns the message for this step
func get_message() -> String:
return self._message
# get_substep_index: get the index of the current substep
## Returns the index of the current substep
func get_substep_index() -> int:
return self._subset_index
# get_substep_count: get the number of substeps for this step
## Returns the number of substeps for this step
func get_substep_count() -> int:
return self._subset_count
# get_progress: get the progress of this step
## Returns the progress of this step
func get_progress() -> float:
if self._subset_count == 0:
return 0.0
return float(self._subset_index) / float(self._subset_count)
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
class_name ProgressTracker
extends Object
signal progress_update()
## Signal emitted when there is a progress update
signal progress_update
## Signal emitted when the current step changes
signal step_change(step: int)
signal complete()
signal step_complete()
## Signal emitted when the all steps are completed
signal complete
## Signal emitted when a step is completed
signal step_complete
var _current_step: ProgressStepTracker = null
var _current_step_index: int = -1
var _steps_count: int
func _init(step_count: int = 0) -> void:
_steps_count = step_count
#self.substep_complete.connect(self, "_on_substep_complete")
func _on_step_complete() -> void:
if _current_step_index == _steps_count:
# next_step: should be called before the step is actually started
## Progresses to the next step
func next_step(step_name: String = "") -> ProgressStepTracker:
_current_step_index += 1
if _current_step_index > _steps_count:
@ -31,20 +31,35 @@ func next_step(step_name: String = "") -> ProgressStepTracker:
return self._current_step
# step_complete: returns the progress of all steps
## Returns the progress of the current step
func get_step_progress() -> float:
return float(_current_step_index) / float(_steps_count)
# get_total_progress_percentage: returns the progress of all steps and substeps
func get_total_progress_percentage() -> float:
return self.get_step_progress()
# get_progress_data: returns a dictionary with data about the current progress for the UI
## Returns the progress of the current step
func get_total_progress_percentage() -> float:
var progress: float = self.get_step_progress()
if self._current_step:
return progress + (self._current_step.get_progress() / self._steps_count)
return progress
## Returns a dictionary with the following keys:
## - step_name: the name of the current step
## - message: the message of the current step
## - substeps: the number of substeps in the current step
## - current_substep: the index of the current substep
## - total_progress: the progress of all steps and substeps
func get_progress_data() -> Dictionary:
if not _current_step:
return {
"step_name": "", "message": "", "substeps": 0, "current_substep": 0, "total_progress": 0
return {
"step_name": self._current_step.get_step_name(),
"message": self._current_step.get_message(),
"substeps": self._current_step.get_substeps(),
"substeps": self._current_step.get_substep_count(),
"current_substep": self._current_step.get_substep_index(),
"total_progress": self.get_total_progress_percentage()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
class_name StatusEffect
extends Resource
## A status effect is a temporary effect that can be applied to a creature.
## Duration of the status effect in seconds.
@export var duration: float = 0.0
## Magnitude of the status effect.
@export var magnitude: float = 0.0
## Apply the status effect to a creature.
func apply(creature: Creature) -> void:
if self.has_method("_apply"):
||||"_apply", creature)
## Remove the status effect from a creature.
func remove(creature: Creature) -> void:
if self.has_method("_remove"):
||||"_remove", creature)
## Tick the status effect on a creature.
func tick(creature: Creature, delta: float) -> void:
if self.has_method("_tick"):
||||"_tick", creature, delta)
@ -1,10 +1,23 @@
extends Node
var generator: WorldGenerator
@export var generator: WorldGenerator
@export var map: TileMap
var _progress_tracker: ProgressTracker = null
var map: TileMap
func _ready() -> void:
self._progress_tracker = self.generator.get_progress_tracker()
func _on_progress() -> void:
var status = self._progress_tracker.get_progress_data()
"%s (%s): %s"
% [status.step_name, str(int(status.total_progress * 100.0)) + "%", status.message]
@ -1,56 +1,64 @@
class_name StandardEntityMarker
extends Node2D
## The method used to spawn entities
## ALL: Spawns all entities in the list
## FURTHEST: Spawns the entity furthest from the player
## ONCE: Spawns the entity once at a random marker
## NONE: Does not spawn any entities
enum EntitySpawnMethod { ALL, FURTHEST, ONCE, NONE }
## The method used to select entities
## RANDOM: Selects a random entity from the list
## POP: Removes the entity from the list after it is selected
enum EntitySelectionMethod { RANDOM, POP }
@export_category("Entity Spawning")
var marker_id: String
## The ID representing the type of this marker
@export var marker_id: String
var entities: Array[PackedScene] = []
## The entities that can be spawned by this marker
@export var entities: Array[PackedScene] = []
var spawn_method: SPAWN_METHOD
## The method used to spawn entities
@export var spawn_method: EntitySpawnMethod
@export_range(0, 1.0)
var spawn_chance: float = 1.0
## The chance that an entity will be spawned
@export_range(0, 1.0) var spawn_chance: float = 1.0
var entity_selection_method: ENTITY_SELECTION_METHOD
## The method used to select entities
@export var entity_selection_method: EntitySelectionMethod
@export_category("Marker Debug")
var debug_color: Color = Color.WHITE
## The color of the debug sprite
@export var debug_color: Color = Color.WHITE
## The size of the debug sprite
@export var marker_size: int = 16
var marker_size: int = 16
func _ready() -> void:
## Create a debug sprite if one doesn't exist
var sprite: Sprite2D = self.get_node_or_null("Sprite2D")
if not sprite:
sprite =
sprite.texture = _get_debug_texture()
func _register(gen: StandardWorldGenerator) -> void:
## Registers this marker with the world generator
func register(gen: StandardWorldGenerator) -> void:
if self.marker_id == "":
push_error("Marker ID is empty, this marker will not be used for spawning entities.")
gen._register_marker("genv2:entity_marker:%s" % self.marker_id, self)
gen.register_marker("genv2:entity_marker:%s" % self.marker_id, self)
## Generates a texture for the debug sprite
func _get_debug_texture() -> Texture2D:
var texture =
@ -9,18 +9,27 @@ const TILEMAP_LAYER = 0
@export var top: bool = false
@export var bottom: bool = false
## The rect that the room occupies in the map
## from 0, 0 to room_size.x, room_size.y
var room_size: Vector2i
## The size of each tile in the room
var cell_size: Vector2i
func _init() -> void:
self.room_size = self.get_used_rect().size
self.cell_size = self.tile_set.tile_size
## Returns true when the room has no exits
func is_block() -> bool:
if self.left or self.right or or self.bottom:
return false
return true
## Get the position of the exit in the room
func get_exits() -> Array[Vector2i]:
var exits: Array[Vector2i] = []
if self.left:
@ -33,6 +42,8 @@ func get_exits() -> Array[Vector2i]:
return exits
## Get the position of the exit in the room
func get_exit_pos(exit: Vector2i) -> Vector2i:
var pos: Vector2i = Vector2i.ZERO
if exit == Vector2i.LEFT:
@ -45,6 +56,8 @@ func get_exit_pos(exit: Vector2i) -> Vector2i:
pos = Vector2i(self.room_size.x / 2, self.room_size.y - 1)
return pos
## Get the offset of the exit position from the edge of the room
func get_exit_pos_offset(edge_pos: Vector2i, exit: Vector2i) -> Vector2i:
match exit:
@ -58,6 +71,8 @@ func get_exit_pos_offset(edge_pos: Vector2i, exit: Vector2i) -> Vector2i:
return Vector2i.ZERO
## Copy the room to the TileMap at a given position
func copy_to_map(map: TileMap) -> void:
for x in range(0, self.room_size.x):
for y in range(0, self.room_size.y):
@ -65,55 +80,98 @@ func copy_to_map(map: TileMap) -> void:
var alt = self.get_cell_alternative_tile(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(x, y))
if tile != -1:
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(position.x + x, position.y + y), tile, Vector2i(0, 0), alt)
Vector2i(position.x + x, position.y + y),
Vector2i(0, 0),
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(position.x + x, position.y + y), -1, Vector2i(0, 0))
TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(position.x + x, position.y + y), -1, Vector2i(0, 0)
## Seal the exit of a room by placing a tile over it
func seal_exit(map: TileMap, pos: Vector2i, exit: Vector2i) -> void:
var exit_pos = get_exit_pos(exit)
var seal_tile_id = 0
match exit:
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x - 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x + 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x - 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x + 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x - 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x + 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x - 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x + 1, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y - 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y + 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y - 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y + 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y - 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
map.set_cell(TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y + 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0))
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y - 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
TILEMAP_LAYER, exit_pos + Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y + 1), seal_tile_id, Vector2i(0, 0)
## Check if the room overlaps with any tiles in the map
func is_overlapping(map: TileMap) -> bool:
for x in range(0, self.room_size.x):
for y in range(0, self.room_size.y):
var tile = map.get_cell_source_id(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(self.position.x + x, self.position.y + y))
var tile = map.get_cell_source_id(
TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(self.position.x + x, self.position.y + y)
if tile != -1:
return true
return false
# Validate room by checking that the top left tile is at 0, 0 and all exits are valid
## Validate room by checking that the top left tile is at 0, 0 and all exits are valid
func _validate() -> bool:
# Check for tiles where x is negative
# Check for tiles where y is negative
# If exit on left, check that the middle tile on the left is empty
if self.left and self.get_cell_source_id(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(0, self.room_size.y / 2)) != -1:
if (
and self.get_cell_source_id(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(0, self.room_size.y / 2)) != -1
push_error("Room with exit on left must have empty middle tile on left")
return false
# If exit on right, check that the middle tile on the right is empty
if self.right and self.get_cell_source_id(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(self.room_size.x - 1, self.room_size.y / 2)) != -1:
if (
and (
TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(self.room_size.x - 1, self.room_size.y / 2)
!= -1
push_error("Room with exit on right must have empty middle tile on right")
return false
# If exit on top, check that the middle tile on the top is empty
@ -121,18 +179,32 @@ func _validate() -> bool:
push_error("Room with exit on top must have empty middle tile on top")
return false
# If exit on bottom, check that the middle tile on the bottom is empty
if self.bottom and self.get_cell_source_id(TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(self.room_size.x / 2, self.room_size.y - 1)) != -1:
if (
and (
TILEMAP_LAYER, Vector2i(self.room_size.x / 2, self.room_size.y - 1)
!= -1
push_error("Room with exit on bottom must have empty middle tile on bottom")
return false
return true
## Flip a vector
func flip_vector(vector: Vector2i) -> Vector2i:
return Vector2i(vector.x * -1, vector.y * -1)
## Disable a room exit by setting the corresponding exit variable to false
func disable_room_exit_opposite(exit: Vector2i) -> void:
## Disable a room exit by setting the corresponding exit variable to false
func disable_room_exit(exit: Vector2i) -> void:
if exit == Vector2i.LEFT:
self.left = false
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
class_name StandardWorldGenerator
extends WorldGenerator
var rooms: Array[PackedScene] = []
## Rooms used to generate the map
@export var rooms: Array[PackedScene] = []
var max_room_path_length: int = 10
## Maximum length of a path of rooms
@export var max_room_path_length: int = 10
var spawn_room: PackedScene = null
## Room used to spawn the player
@export var spawn_room: PackedScene = null
# Rooms are sorted into these arrays based on their exits
# Each PackedScene is a StandardRoom
@ -18,33 +18,48 @@ var _rooms_top: Array[PackedScene] = []
var _rooms_bottom: Array[PackedScene] = []
var _rooms_blocking: Array[PackedScene] = []
## Number of total generated rooms
var _room_count: int = 0
## Progress tracker
var _progress_tracker: ProgressTracker
## Marker groups
var _markers: Dictionary = {}
func _generate(map: TileMap) -> void:
self._progress_tracker =
func _init() -> void:
self._progress_tracker =
## Generates a map
func _generate(map: TileMap) -> void:
self._sort_rooms(_progress_tracker.next_step("Sorting Rooms"))
# Create initial room
var init_room = self._create_initial_room(map, self.spawn_room, _progress_tracker.next_step("Creating Initial Room"))
var init_room = self._create_initial_room(
map, self.spawn_room, _progress_tracker.next_step("Creating Initial Room")
# Create rooms
self._create_rooms(map, init_room, self.max_room_path_length, _progress_tracker.next_step("Creating Rooms"))
map, init_room, self.max_room_path_length, _progress_tracker.next_step("Creating Rooms")
self._spawn_entities(map, _progress_tracker.next_step("Spawning Entities"))
## Sorts rooms into arrays based on their exits
func _sort_rooms(step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
for room_scene in rooms:
var room: StandardRoom = room_scene.instantiate()
if room.left:
if room.right:
@ -69,8 +84,11 @@ func _sort_rooms(step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
if len(self._rooms_blocking) == 0:
push_warning("0 blocking rooms!")
# Create initial room
func _create_initial_room(map: TileMap, room: PackedScene, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> StandardRoom:
## Create initial room
func _create_initial_room(
map: TileMap, room: PackedScene, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker
) -> StandardRoom:
# Instantiate spawn room
@ -78,19 +96,23 @@ func _create_initial_room(map: TileMap, room: PackedScene, step_tracker: Progres
# Copy spawn room into map
self._room_count += 1
return init_room
# Create rooms by randomly selecting from the available rooms in every direction with openings from the current room
# where the maximum path length has not been exceeded and the room does not overlap with any other room.
# Each room is marked with boolean flags for each direction that it has an opening to another room.
# This is done recursively until the maximum path length is exceeded or there are no more rooms to add
func _create_rooms(map: TileMap, parent_room: StandardRoom, max_path_length: int, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
## Creates rooms from the exits of the given room
func _create_rooms(
map: TileMap, parent_room: StandardRoom, max_path_length: int, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker
) -> void:
if step_tracker.get_substep_count() == 0:
## This is an approximation of the number of rooms that will be created
(max_path_length * (max_path_length + 1) / 2) * len(parent_room.get_exits())
var exits: Array[Vector2i] = parent_room.get_exits()
# If the maximum path length has been exceeded, stop
@ -104,7 +126,12 @@ func _create_rooms(map: TileMap, parent_room: StandardRoom, max_path_length: int
# If there are no more rooms to add, stop
if len(self._rooms_left) == 0 and len(self._rooms_right) == 0 and len(self._rooms_top) == 0 and len(self._rooms_bottom) == 0:
if (
len(self._rooms_left) == 0
and len(self._rooms_right) == 0
and len(self._rooms_top) == 0
and len(self._rooms_bottom) == 0
push_warning("No more rooms to add!")
@ -116,7 +143,9 @@ func _create_rooms(map: TileMap, parent_room: StandardRoom, max_path_length: int
var room_edge_pos: Vector2i = exit_pos + Vector2i(parent_room.position)
# Get the rooms that can be added in this direction
var possible_rooms: Array[PackedScene] = self._get_rooms(parent_room.flip_vector(exit)).duplicate()
var possible_rooms: Array[PackedScene] = (
# If there are no rooms that can be added in this direction, skip it
if len(possible_rooms) == 0:
@ -133,7 +162,6 @@ func _create_rooms(map: TileMap, parent_room: StandardRoom, max_path_length: int
if possible_room.is_overlapping(map):
room_instance = possible_room
if room_instance == null:
@ -147,57 +175,70 @@ func _create_rooms(map: TileMap, parent_room: StandardRoom, max_path_length: int
# Copy the room into the map
self._room_count += 1
step_tracker.substep("%s rooms" % self._room_count)
# Create rooms from the exits of the room that was just added
step_tracker.substep("Creating Rooms")
self._create_rooms(map, room_instance, max_path_length - 1, step_tracker)
# If there are no more exits, stop
## Returns the rooms that can be added in the given direction
func _get_rooms(exit: Vector2i) -> Array[PackedScene]:
if exit == Vector2i.LEFT:
match exit:
return self._rooms_left
elif exit == Vector2i.RIGHT:
return self._rooms_right
elif exit == Vector2i.UP:
return self._rooms_top
elif exit == Vector2i.DOWN:
return self._rooms_bottom
push_error("Invalid exit: " + str(exit))
return []
func _register_marker(group: String, marker: Node2D) -> void:
## Registers a marker with the world generator
func register_marker(group: String, marker: Node2D) -> void:
if not group in self._markers:
self._markers[group] = [marker]
func _spawn_entities(map: TileMap, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
## Spawns entities in the map
func _spawn_entities(map: TileMap, _step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
var tree = map.get_tree()
# Register entity markers
for entity_marker in tree.get_nodes_in_group("genv2:entity_marker"):
if entity_marker is StandardEntityMarker:
for marker_id in self._markers:
var sample_marker: StandardEntityMarker = self._markers[marker_id][0]
match sample_marker.spawn_method:
for marker in self._markers[marker_id]:
map.erase_cell.call_deferred(0, map.local_to_map(marker.position))
var packed_entity: PackedScene = _select_entity(marker.entity_selection_method, marker.entities)
var packed_entity: PackedScene = _select_entity(
marker.entity_selection_method, marker.entities
if packed_entity == null:
var entity: Node2D = packed_entity.instantiate()
entity.position = marker.position
var furthest_marker: StandardEntityMarker = self._markers[marker_id].pop_back()
var furthest_distance: float = furthest_marker.position.distance_to(Vector2.ZERO)
@ -215,7 +256,9 @@ func _spawn_entities(map: TileMap, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
map.erase_cell.call_deferred(0, map.local_to_map(furthest_marker.position))
# Get entity
var packed_entity: PackedScene = _select_entity(furthest_marker.entity_selection_method, furthest_marker.entities)
var packed_entity: PackedScene = _select_entity(
furthest_marker.entity_selection_method, furthest_marker.entities
if packed_entity == null:
@ -223,12 +266,13 @@ func _spawn_entities(map: TileMap, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
entity.position = furthest_marker.position
var i = randi() % len(self._markers[marker_id])
var marker = self._markers[marker_id][i]
var packed_entity: PackedScene = _select_entity(marker.entity_selection_method, marker.entities)
var packed_entity: PackedScene = _select_entity(
marker.entity_selection_method, marker.entities
if packed_entity != null:
var entity: Node2D = packed_entity.instantiate()
entity.position = marker.position
@ -237,26 +281,32 @@ func _spawn_entities(map: TileMap, step_tracker: ProgressStepTracker) -> void:
for _marker in self._markers[marker_id]:
map.erase_cell(0, map.local_to_map(_marker.position))
for marker in self._markers[marker_id]:
map.erase_cell(0, map.local_to_map(marker.position))
push_error("Invalid spawning method!")
func _select_entity(mode: StandardEntityMarker.ENTITY_SELECTION_METHOD, entities: Array) -> PackedScene:
## Selects an entity from the given array based on the given selection method
func _select_entity(
mode: StandardEntityMarker.EntitySelectionMethod, entities: Array
) -> PackedScene:
if len(entities) == 0:
return null
match mode:
var i = randi() % len(entities)
return entities[i]
var i = randi() % len(entities)
return entities.pop_at(i)
return null
## Returns the progress tracker for this world generator
func _get_progress_tracker() -> ProgressTracker:
return self._progress_tracker
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
class_name WorldGenerator
extends Resource
## Generates a world to the given TileMap.
func generate(map: TileMap) -> void:
if not self.has_method("_generate"):
push_error("Generator missing `_generate` method")
@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ func generate(map: TileMap) -> void:
||||"_generate", map)
## Returns the progress tracker for this generator.
func get_progress_tracker() -> ProgressTracker:
if not self.has_method("_get_progress_tracker"):
push_error("Generator missing `_get_progress_tracker` method")
Reference in New Issue
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