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2020-08-16 22:26:30 -04:00

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extends Node
export(NodePath) var tilemapPath
var tilemap : TileMap
func _ready():
# Setup tilemap
tilemap = get_node(tilemapPath)
# Setup connections and join wolrd
ServerConnection.connect("tile_update", self, "on_tile_update")
yield(ServerConnection.join_world_async(), "completed")
func on_tile_update(tile_data, update_bitmask=true):
print("Updating tilemap")
var max_pos_x : int
var min_pos_x : int
var max_pos_y : int
var min_pos_y : int
for x in tile_data:
# Find max & min x
if not max_pos_x or max_pos_x > int(x):
max_pos_x = int(x)
if not min_pos_x or min_pos_x < int(x):
min_pos_x = int(x)
for y in tile_data[x]:
# Find max & min y
if not max_pos_y or max_pos_y > int(y):
max_pos_y = int(y)
if not min_pos_y or min_pos_y < int(y):
min_pos_y = int(y)
# Update tile data
tilemap.set_cell(int(x),int(y), int(tile_data[x][y]), false, false, false, tilemap.get_cell_autotile_coord(int(x), int(y)))
if update_bitmask:
tilemap.update_bitmask_region(Vector2(min_pos_x, min_pos_y), Vector2(max_pos_x, max_pos_y))
print("Update complete!")