65 lines
1.9 KiB
65 lines
1.9 KiB
extends NakamaAsyncResult
class_name NakamaSession
var created : bool = false setget _no_set
var token : String = "" setget _no_set
var create_time : int = 0 setget _no_set
var expire_time : int = 0 setget _no_set
var expired : bool = true setget _no_set, is_expired
var vars : Dictionary = {} setget _no_set
var username : String = "" setget _no_set
var user_id : String = "" setget _no_set
var valid : bool = false setget _no_set, is_valid
func _no_set(v):
func is_expired() -> bool:
return expire_time < OS.get_unix_time()
func is_valid():
return valid
func _init(p_token = null, p_created : bool = false, p_exception = null).(p_exception):
if p_token:
var unpacked = _jwt_unpack(p_token)
var decoded = {}
if not validate_json(unpacked):
decoded = parse_json(unpacked)
valid = true
if typeof(decoded) != TYPE_DICTIONARY:
decoded = {}
if decoded.empty():
valid = false
if p_exception == null:
_ex = NakamaException.new("Unable to unpack token")
token = p_token
created = p_created
create_time = OS.get_unix_time()
expire_time = int(decoded.get("exp", 0))
username = str(decoded.get("usn", ""))
user_id = str(decoded.get("uid", ""))
if decoded.has("vrs") and typeof(decoded["vrs"]) == TYPE_DICTIONARY:
for k in decoded["vrs"]:
vars[k] = decoded["vrs"][k]
func _to_string():
if is_exception():
return get_exception()._to_string()
return "Session<created=%s, token=%s, create_time=%d, username=%s, user_id=%s, vars=%s>" % [
created, token, create_time, username, user_id, str(vars)]
func _jwt_unpack(p_token : String) -> String:
# Hack decode JSON payload from JWT.
if p_token.find(".") == -1:
return ""
var payload = p_token.split('.')[1];
var pad_length = ceil(payload.length() / 4.0) * 4;
# Pad base64
for i in range(0, pad_length - payload.length()):
payload += "="
payload = payload.replace("-", "+").replace("_", "/")
return Marshalls.base64_to_utf8(payload)