364 lines
9.7 KiB
364 lines
9.7 KiB
extends Reference
class_name NakamaRTMessage
# Send a channel join message to the server.
class ChannelJoin:
const _SCHEMA = {
"persistence": {"name": "persistence", "type": TYPE_BOOL, "required": true},
"hidden": {"name": "hidden", "type": TYPE_BOOL, "required": true},
"target": {"name": "target", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"type": {"name": "type", "type": TYPE_INT, "required": true},
enum ChannelType {
# A chat room which can be created dynamically with a name.
Room = 1,
# A private chat between two users.
DirectMessage = 2,
# A chat within a group on the server.
Group = 3
var persistence : bool
var hidden : bool
var target : String
var type : int
func _init(p_target : String, p_type : int, p_persistence : bool, p_hidden : bool):
persistence = p_persistence
hidden = p_hidden
target = p_target
type = p_type if p_type >= ChannelType.Room and p_type <= ChannelType.Group else 0 # Will cause error server side
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "channel_join"
func _to_string():
return "ChannelJoin<persistence=%s, hidden=%s, target=%s, type=%d>" % [persistence, hidden, target, type]
# A leave message for a match on the server.
class ChannelLeave extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"channel_id": {"name": "channel_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true}
var channel_id : String
func _init(p_channel_id : String):
channel_id = p_channel_id
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "channel_leave"
func _to_string():
return "ChannelLeave<channel_id=%s>" % [channel_id]
class ChannelMessageRemove extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"channel_id": {"name": "channel_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"message_id": {"name": "message_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true}
var channel_id : String
var message_id : String
func _init(p_channel_id : String, p_message_id):
channel_id = p_channel_id
message_id = p_message_id
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "channel_message_remove"
func _to_string():
return "ChannelMessageRemove<channel_id=%s, message_id=%s>" % [channel_id, message_id]
# Send a chat message to a channel on the server.
class ChannelMessageSend extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"channel_id": {"name": "channel_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"content": {"name": "content", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true}
var channel_id : String
var content : String
func _init(p_channel_id : String, p_content):
channel_id = p_channel_id
content = p_content
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "channel_message_send"
func _to_string():
return "ChannelMessageSend<channel_id=%s, content=%s>" % [channel_id, content]
class ChannelMessageUpdate extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"channel_id": {"name": "channel_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"message_id": {"name": "message_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"content": {"name": "content", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true}
var channel_id : String
var message_id : String
var content : String
func _init(p_channel_id : String, p_message_id, p_content : String):
channel_id = p_channel_id
message_id = p_message_id
content = p_content
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "channel_message_update"
func _to_string():
return "ChannelMessageUpdate<channel_id=%s, message_id=%s, content=%s>" % [channel_id, message_id, content]
# A create message for a match on the server.
class MatchCreate extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {}
func _init():
func serialize():
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "match_create"
func _to_string():
return "MatchCreate<>"
# A join message for a match on the server.
class MatchJoin extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"match_id": {"name": "match_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": false},
"token": {"name": "token", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": false},
"metadata": {"name": "metadata", "type": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "required": false, "content": TYPE_STRING},
# These two are mutually exclusive and set manually by socket for now, so use null.
var match_id = null
var token = null
var metadata = null
func _init(p_ex=null).(p_ex):
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "match_join"
func _to_string():
return "MatchJoin<match_id=%s, token=%s, metadata=%s>" % [match_id, token, metadata]
# A leave message for a match on the server.
class MatchLeave extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"match_id": {"name": "match_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true}
var match_id : String
func _init(p_match_id : String):
match_id = p_match_id
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "match_leave"
func _to_string():
return "MatchLeave<match_id=%s>" % [match_id]
# Send new state to a match on the server.
class MatchDataSend extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"match_id": {"name": "match_id", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"op_code": {"name": "op_code", "type": TYPE_INT, "required": true},
"presences": {"name": "presences", "type": TYPE_ARRAY, "required": false, "content": "UserPresences"},
"data": {"name": "data", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
var match_id : String
var presences = null
var op_code : int
var data : String
func _init(p_match_id : String, p_op_code : int, p_data : String, p_presences):
match_id = p_match_id
presences = p_presences
op_code = p_op_code
data = p_data
func serialize():
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key():
return "match_data_send"
func _to_string():
return "MatchDataSend<match_id=%s, op_code=%s, presences=%s, data=%s>" % [match_id, op_code, presences, data]
# Add the user to the matchmaker pool with properties.
class MatchmakerAdd extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"query": {"name": "query", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
"max_count": {"name": "max_count", "type": TYPE_INT, "required": true},
"min_count": {"name": "min_count", "type": TYPE_INT, "required": true},
"numeric_properties": {"name": "numeric_properties", "type": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "required": false, "content": TYPE_REAL},
"string_properties": {"name": "string_properties", "type": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "required": false, "content": TYPE_STRING},
var query : String = "*"
var max_count : int = 8
var min_count : int = 2
var string_properties : Dictionary
var numeric_properties : Dictionary
func _no_set(_val):
func _init(p_query : String = "*", p_min_count : int = 2, p_max_count : int = 8,
p_string_props : Dictionary = Dictionary(), p_numeric_props : Dictionary = Dictionary()):
query = p_query
min_count = p_min_count
max_count = p_max_count
string_properties = p_string_props
numeric_properties = p_numeric_props
func serialize() -> Dictionary:
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "matchmaker_add"
func _to_string():
return "MatchmakerAdd<query=%s, max_count=%d, min_count=%d, numeric_properties=%s, string_properties=%s>" % [query, max_count, min_count, numeric_properties, string_properties]
# Remove the user from the matchmaker pool by ticket.
class MatchmakerRemove extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"ticket": {"name": "ticket", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true}
var ticket : String
func _init(p_ticket : String):
ticket = p_ticket
func serialize():
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "matchmaker_remove"
func _to_string():
return "MatchmakerRemove<ticket=%s>" % [ticket]
# Follow one or more other users for status updates.
class StatusFollow extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"user_ids": {"name": "user_ids", "type": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "required": false, "content": TYPE_STRING},
"usernames": {"name": "usernames", "type": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "required": false, "content": TYPE_STRING},
var user_ids := PoolStringArray()
var usernames := PoolStringArray()
func _init(p_ids : PoolStringArray, p_usernames : PoolStringArray):
user_ids = p_ids
usernames = p_usernames
func serialize():
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "status_follow"
func _to_string():
return "StatusFollow<user_ids=%s, usernames=%s>" % [user_ids, usernames]
# Unfollow one or more users on the server.
class StatusUnfollow extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"user_ids": {"name": "user_ids", "type": TYPE_DICTIONARY, "required": false, "content": TYPE_STRING},
var user_ids := PoolStringArray()
func _init(p_ids : PoolStringArray):
user_ids = p_ids
func serialize():
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "status_unfollow"
func _to_string():
return "StatusUnfollow<user_ids=%s>" % [user_ids]
# Unfollow one or more users on the server.
class StatusUpdate extends NakamaAsyncResult:
const _SCHEMA = {
"status": {"name": "status", "type": TYPE_STRING, "required": true},
var status : String
func _init(p_status : String):
status = p_status
func serialize():
return NakamaSerializer.serialize(self)
func get_msg_key() -> String:
return "status_update"
func _to_string():
return "StatusUpdate<status=%s>" % [status]