extends Reference # A socket to interact with Nakama server. class_name NakamaSocket const ChannelType = NakamaRTMessage.ChannelJoin.ChannelType # Emitted when a socket is closed. signal closed() # Emitted when a socket is connected. signal connected() # Emitted when a chat channel message is received signal received_channel_message(p_channel_message) # ApiChannelMessage # Emitted when receiving a presence change for joins and leaves with users in a chat channel. signal received_channel_presence(p_channel_presence) # ChannelPresenceEvent # Emitted when an error occurs on the socket. signal received_error(p_error) # Emitted when receiving a matchmaker matched message. signal received_matchmaker_matched(p_matchmaker_matched) # MatchmakerMatched # Emitted when receiving a message from a multiplayer match. signal received_match_state(p_match_state) # MatchData # Emitted when receiving a presence change for joins and leaves of users in a multiplayer match. signal received_match_presence(p_match_presence_event) # MatchPresenceEvent # Emitted when receiving a notification for the current user. signal received_notification(p_api_notification) # ApiNotification # Emitted when receiving a presence change for when a user updated their online status. signal received_status_presence(p_status_presence_event) # StatusPresenceEvent # Emitted when receiving a presence change for joins and leaves on a realtime stream. signal received_stream_presence(p_stream_presence_event) # StreamPresenceEvent # Emitted when receiving a message from a realtime stream. signal received_stream_state(p_stream_state) # StreamState var _adapter : NakamaSocketAdapter var _free_adapter : bool = false var _weak_ref : WeakRef var _base_uri : String var _responses : Dictionary var _last_id : int = 1 var _conn : GDScriptFunctionState = null var logger : NakamaLogger = null func _resume_conn(p_err : int): if _conn: if p_err: # Exception logger.warning("Connection error: %d" % p_err) _conn.resume(NakamaAsyncResult.new(NakamaException.new())) else: logger.info("Connected!") _conn.resume(NakamaAsyncResult.new()) call_deferred("_survive", _conn) _conn = null func _init(p_adapter : NakamaSocketAdapter, p_host : String, p_port : int, p_scheme : String, p_free_adapter : bool = false): logger = p_adapter.logger _adapter = p_adapter _weak_ref = weakref(_adapter) var port = "" if (p_scheme == "ws" and p_port != 80) or (p_scheme == "wss" and p_port != 443): port = ":%d" % p_port _base_uri = "%s://%s%s" % [p_scheme, p_host, port] _free_adapter = p_free_adapter _adapter.connect("closed", self, "_closed") _adapter.connect("connected", self, "_connected") _adapter.connect("received_error", self, "_error") _adapter.connect("received", self, "_received") func _notification(what): if what == NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE: # Is this a bug? Why can't I call a function? self is null... # _clear_responses() # _resume_conn(ERR_FILE_EOF) var keys = _responses.keys() for k in keys: _responses[k].resume(NakamaException.new("Cancelled!")) if _conn != null: _conn.resume(ERR_FILE_EOF) call_deferred("_survive", _conn) _conn = null if _weak_ref.get_ref() == null: return _adapter.close() if _free_adapter: _adapter.queue_free() func _closed(p_error = null): emit_signal("closed") _resume_conn(ERR_CANT_CONNECT) _clear_responses() func _error(p_error): emit_signal("received_error", p_error) _resume_conn(p_error) _clear_responses() func _connected(): emit_signal("connected") _resume_conn(OK) func _received(p_bytes : PoolByteArray): var json_str = p_bytes.get_string_from_utf8() var json := JSON.parse(json_str) if json.error != OK or typeof(json.result) != TYPE_DICTIONARY: logger.error("Unable to parse response: %s" % json_str) return var dict : Dictionary = json.result var cid = dict.get("cid") if cid: if _responses.has(cid): _resume_response(cid, dict) else: logger.error("Invalid call id received %s" % dict) else: if dict.has("channel_message"): var res = NakamaAPI.ApiChannelMessage.create(NakamaAPI, dict["channel_message"]) emit_signal("received_channel_message", res) elif dict.has("channel_presence_event"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.ChannelPresenceEvent.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["channel_presence_event"]) emit_signal("received_channel_presence", res) elif dict.has("match_data"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.MatchData.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["match_data"]) emit_signal("received_match_state", res) elif dict.has("match_presence_event"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.MatchPresenceEvent.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["match_presence_event"]) emit_signal("received_match_presence", res) elif dict.has("matchmaker_matched"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.MatchmakerMatched.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["matchmaker_matched"]) emit_signal("received_matchmaker_matched", res) elif dict.has("notifications"): var res = NakamaAPI.ApiNotificationList.create(NakamaAPI, dict["notifications"]) for n in res.notifications: emit_signal("received_notification", n) elif dict.has("status_presence_event"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.StatusPresenceEvent.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["status_presence_event"]) emit_signal("received_status_presence", res) elif dict.has("stream_presence_event"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.StreamPresenceEvent.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["stream_presence_event"]) emit_signal("received_stream_presence", res) elif dict.has("stream_data"): var res = NakamaRTAPI.StreamData.create(NakamaRTAPI, dict["stream_data"]) emit_signal("received_stream_state", res) else: logger.warning("Unhandled response: %s" % dict) func _resume_response(p_id : String, p_data): if _responses.has(p_id): logger.debug("Resuming response: %s: %s" % [p_id, p_data]) _responses[p_id].resume(p_data) else: logger.warning("Trying to resume missing response: %s: %s" % [p_id, p_data]) func _cancel_response(p_id : String): logger.debug("Cancelling response: %s" % [p_id]) _resume_response(p_id, NakamaException.new("Request cancelled.")) func _clear_responses(): var ids = _responses.keys() for id in ids: _cancel_response(id) func _survive(p_ref): pass func _parse_result(p_responses : Dictionary, p_id : String, p_type, p_ns : GDScript, p_result_key = null): # Specifically defined key, or default for objject var result_key = p_result_key if p_type != NakamaAsyncResult and result_key == null: result_key = p_type.get_result_key() # Here we yield and wait var data = yield() # Manually resumed call_deferred("_survive", p_responses[p_id]) p_responses.erase(p_id) # Remove this request from the list of responses # We got an exception, maybe the task was cancelled? if data is NakamaException: return p_type.new(data as NakamaException) # Error from server if data.has("error"): var err = data["error"] var code = -1 var msg = str(err) if typeof(err) == TYPE_DICTIONARY: msg = err.get("message", "") code = err.get("code", -1) logger.warning("Error response from server: %s" % err) return p_type.new(NakamaException.new(msg, code)) # Simple ack response elif p_type == NakamaAsyncResult: return NakamaAsyncResult.new() # Missing expected result key elif not data.has(result_key): logger.warning("Missing expected result key: %s" % result_key) return p_type.new(NakamaException.new("Missing expected result key: %s" % result_key)) # All good, proceed with parsing else: return p_type.create(p_ns, data.get(result_key)) func _send_async(p_message, p_parse_type = NakamaAsyncResult, p_ns = NakamaRTAPI, p_msg_key = null, p_result_key = null): logger.debug("Sending async request: %s" % p_message) # For messages coming from the API which does not have a key defined, so we can override it var msg = p_msg_key # For regular RT messages if msg == null: msg = p_message.get_msg_key() var id = str(_last_id) _last_id += 1 _responses[id] = _parse_result(_responses, id, p_parse_type, p_ns, p_result_key) var json := JSON.print({ "cid": id, msg: p_message.serialize() }) var err = _adapter.send(json.to_utf8()) if err != OK: call_deferred("_cancel_response", id) return _responses[id] func _connect_function(): return yield() # Manually resumed # If the socket is connected. func is_connected_to_host(): return _adapter.is_connected_to_host() # If the socket is connecting. func is_connecting_to_host(): return _adapter.is_connecting_to_host() # Close the socket connection to the server. func close(): _adapter.close() # Connect to the server. # @param p_session - The session of the user. # @param p_appear_online - If the user who appear online to other users. # @param p_connect_timeout - The time allowed for the socket connection to be established. # Returns a task to represent the asynchronous operation. func connect_async(p_session : NakamaSession, p_appear_online : bool = false, p_connect_timeout : int = 3): var uri = "%s/ws?lang=en&status=%s&token=%s" % [_base_uri, str(p_appear_online).to_lower(), p_session.token] logger.debug("Connecting to host: %s" % uri) _adapter.connect_to_host(uri, p_connect_timeout) _conn = _connect_function() return _conn # Join the matchmaker pool and search for opponents on the server. # @param p_query - The matchmaker query to search for opponents. # @param p_min_count - The minimum number of players to compete against in a match. # @param p_max_count - The maximum number of players to compete against in a match. # @param p_string_properties - A set of key/value properties to provide to searches. # @param p_numeric_properties - A set of key/value numeric properties to provide to searches. # Returns a task which resolves to a matchmaker ticket object. func add_matchmaker_async(p_query : String = "*", p_min_count : int = 2, p_max_count : int = 8, p_string_props : Dictionary = {}, p_numeric_props : Dictionary = {}) -> NakamaRTAPI.MatchmakerTicket: return _send_async( NakamaRTMessage.MatchmakerAdd.new(p_query, p_min_count, p_max_count, p_string_props, p_numeric_props), NakamaRTAPI.MatchmakerTicket ) ## ## Create a multiplayer match on the server. ## ## Returns a task to represent the asynchronous operation. func create_match_async(): return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.MatchCreate.new(), NakamaRTAPI.Match) # Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates. # @param p_user_ids - The IDs of users. # @param p_usernames - The usernames of the users. # Returns a task which resolves to the current statuses for the users. func follow_users_async(p_ids : PoolStringArray, p_usernames : PoolStringArray = []) -> NakamaRTAPI.Status: return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.StatusFollow.new(p_ids, p_usernames), NakamaRTAPI.Status) # Join a chat channel on the server. # @param p_target - The target channel to join. # @param p_type - The type of channel to join. # @param p_persistence - If chat messages should be stored. # @param p_hidden - If the current user should be hidden on the channel. # Returns a task which resolves to a chat channel object. func join_chat_async(p_target : String, p_type : int, p_persistence : bool = false, p_hidden : bool = false) -> NakamaRTAPI.Channel: return _send_async( NakamaRTMessage.ChannelJoin.new(p_target, p_type, p_persistence, p_hidden), NakamaRTAPI.Channel ) # Join a multiplayer match with the matchmaker matched object. # @param p_matched - A matchmaker matched object. # Returns a task which resolves to a multiplayer match. func join_matched_async(p_matched): var msg := NakamaRTMessage.MatchJoin.new() if p_matched.match_id: msg.match_id = p_matched.match_id else: msg.token = p_matched.token return _send_async(msg, NakamaRTAPI.Match) # Join a multiplayer match by ID. # @param p_match_id - The ID of the match to attempt to join. # @param p_metadata - An optional set of key-value metadata pairs to be passed to the match handler. # Returns a task which resolves to a multiplayer match. func join_match_async(p_match_id : String, p_metadata = null): var msg := NakamaRTMessage.MatchJoin.new() msg.match_id = p_match_id return _send_async(msg, NakamaRTAPI.Match) # Leave a chat channel on the server. ## @param p_channel_id - The ID of the chat channel to leave. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func leave_chat_async(p_channel_id : String) -> NakamaAsyncResult: return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.ChannelLeave.new(p_channel_id)) # Leave a multiplayer match on the server. # @param p_match_id - The multiplayer match to leave. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func leave_match_async(p_match_id : String) -> NakamaAsyncResult: return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.MatchLeave.new(p_match_id)) # Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server. # @param p_channel - The chat channel with the message to remove. # @param p_message_id - The ID of the chat message to remove. # Returns a task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the removed message. func remove_chat_message_async(p_channel_id : String, p_message_id : String): return _send_async( NakamaRTMessage.ChannelMessageRemove.new(p_channel_id, p_message_id), NakamaRTAPI.ChannelMessageAck ) # Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket. # @param p_ticket - The ticket returned by the matchmaker on join. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func remove_matchmaker_async(p_ticket : String) -> NakamaAsyncResult: return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.MatchmakerRemove.new(p_ticket)) # Execute an RPC function to the server. # @param p_func_id - The ID of the function to execute. # @param p_payload - An (optional) String payload to send to the server. # Returns a task which resolves to the RPC function response object. func rpc_async(p_func_id : String, p_payload = null) -> NakamaAPI.ApiRpc: var payload = p_payload match typeof(p_payload): TYPE_NIL, TYPE_STRING: pass _: payload = JSON.print(p_payload) return _send_async(NakamaAPI.ApiRpc.create(NakamaAPI, { "id": p_func_id, "payload": payload }), NakamaAPI.ApiRpc, NakamaAPI, "rpc", "rpc") # Send input to a multiplayer match on the server. # When no presences are supplied the new match state will be sent to all presences. # @param p_match_id - The ID of the match. # @param p_op_code - An operation code for the input. # @param p_data - The input data to send. # @param p_presences - The presences in the match who should receive the input. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func send_match_state_async(p_match_id, p_op_code : int, p_data : String, p_presences = null): var req = _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.MatchDataSend.new( p_match_id, p_op_code, Marshalls.utf8_to_base64(p_data), p_presences )) # This do not return a response from server, you don't really need to wait for it. req.call_deferred("resume", {}) call_deferred("_survive", req) return req # Send input to a multiplayer match on the server. # When no presences are supplied the new match state will be sent to all presences. # @param p_match_id - The ID of the match. # @param p_op_code - An operation code for the input. # @param p_data - The input data to send. # @param p_presences - The presences in the match who should receive the input. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func send_match_state_raw_async(p_match_id, p_op_code : int, p_data : PoolByteArray, p_presences = null): var req = _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.MatchDataSend.new( p_match_id, p_op_code, Marshalls.raw_to_base64(p_data), p_presences )) # This do not return a response from server, you don't really need to wait for it. req.call_deferred("resume", {}) call_deferred("_survive", req) return req # Unfollow one or more users from their status updates. # @param p_user_ids - An array of user ids to unfollow. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func unfollow_users_async(p_ids : PoolStringArray): return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.StatusUnfollow.new(p_ids)) # Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server. # @param p_channel_id - The ID of the chat channel with the message to update. # @param p_message_id - The ID of the message to update. # @param p_content - The new contents of the chat message. # Returns a task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the updated message. func update_chat_message_async(p_channel_id : String, p_message_id : String, p_content : Dictionary): return _send_async( NakamaRTMessage.ChannelMessageUpdate.new(p_channel_id, p_message_id, JSON.print(p_content)), NakamaRTAPI.ChannelMessageAck ) # Update the status for the current user online. # @param p_status - The new status for the user. # Returns a task which represents the asynchronous operation. func update_status_async(p_status : String): return _send_async(NakamaRTMessage.StatusUpdate.new(p_status)) # Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server. # @param p_channel_id - The ID of the chat channel to send onto. # @param p_content - The contents of the message to send. # Returns a task which resolves to the acknowledgement of the chat message write. func write_chat_message_async(p_channel_id : String, p_content : Dictionary): return _send_async( NakamaRTMessage.ChannelMessageSend.new(p_channel_id, JSON.print(p_content)), NakamaRTAPI.ChannelMessageAck )