# ############################################################################## # The MIT License (MIT) # ===================== # # Copyright (c) 2020 Tom "Butch" Wesley # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # ############################################################################## # Some arbitrary string that should never show up by accident. If it does, then # shame on you. const ARG_NOT_SET = '_*_argument_*_is_*_not_set_*_' # This hash holds the objects that are being watched, the signals that are being # watched, and an array of arrays that contains arguments that were passed # each time the signal was emitted. # # For example: # _watched_signals => { # ref1 => { # 'signal1' => [[], [], []], # 'signal2' => [[p1, p2]], # 'signal3' => [[p1]] # }, # ref2 => { # 'some_signal' => [], # 'other_signal' => [[p1, p2, p3], [p1, p2, p3], [p1, p2, p3]] # } # } # # In this sample: # - signal1 on the ref1 object was emitted 3 times and each time, zero # parameters were passed. # - signal3 on ref1 was emitted once and passed a single parameter # - some_signal on ref2 was never emitted. # - other_signal on ref2 was emitted 3 times, each time with 3 parameters. var _watched_signals = {} var _utils = load('res://addons/gut/utils.gd').get_instance() func _add_watched_signal(obj, name): # SHORTCIRCUIT - ignore dupes if(_watched_signals.has(obj) and _watched_signals[obj].has(name)): return if(!_watched_signals.has(obj)): _watched_signals[obj] = {name:[]} else: _watched_signals[obj][name] = [] obj.connect(name, self, '_on_watched_signal', [obj, name]) # This handles all the signals that are watched. It supports up to 9 parameters # which could be emitted by the signal and the two parameters used when it is # connected via watch_signal. I chose 9 since you can only specify up to 9 # parameters when dynamically calling a method via call (per the Godot # documentation, i.e. some_object.call('some_method', 1, 2, 3...)). # # Based on the documentation of emit_signal, it appears you can only pass up # to 4 parameters when firing a signal. I haven't verified this, but this should # future proof this some if the value ever grows. func _on_watched_signal(arg1=ARG_NOT_SET, arg2=ARG_NOT_SET, arg3=ARG_NOT_SET, \ arg4=ARG_NOT_SET, arg5=ARG_NOT_SET, arg6=ARG_NOT_SET, \ arg7=ARG_NOT_SET, arg8=ARG_NOT_SET, arg9=ARG_NOT_SET, \ arg10=ARG_NOT_SET, arg11=ARG_NOT_SET): var args = [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11] # strip off any unused vars. var idx = args.size() -1 while(str(args[idx]) == ARG_NOT_SET): args.remove(idx) idx -= 1 # retrieve object and signal name from the array and remove them. These # will always be at the end since they are added when the connect happens. var signal_name = args[args.size() -1] args.pop_back() var object = args[args.size() -1] args.pop_back() _watched_signals[object][signal_name].append(args) func does_object_have_signal(object, signal_name): var signals = object.get_signal_list() for i in range(signals.size()): if(signals[i]['name'] == signal_name): return true return false func watch_signals(object): var signals = object.get_signal_list() for i in range(signals.size()): _add_watched_signal(object, signals[i]['name']) func watch_signal(object, signal_name): var did = false if(does_object_have_signal(object, signal_name)): _add_watched_signal(object, signal_name) did = true return did func get_emit_count(object, signal_name): var to_return = -1 if(is_watching(object, signal_name)): to_return = _watched_signals[object][signal_name].size() return to_return func did_emit(object, signal_name): var did = false if(is_watching(object, signal_name)): did = get_emit_count(object, signal_name) != 0 return did func print_object_signals(object): var list = object.get_signal_list() for i in range(list.size()): print(list[i].name, "\n ", list[i]) func get_signal_parameters(object, signal_name, index=-1): var params = null if(is_watching(object, signal_name)): var all_params = _watched_signals[object][signal_name] if(all_params.size() > 0): if(index == -1): index = all_params.size() -1 params = all_params[index] return params func is_watching_object(object): return _watched_signals.has(object) func is_watching(object, signal_name): return _watched_signals.has(object) and _watched_signals[object].has(signal_name) func clear(): for obj in _watched_signals: if(_utils.is_not_freed(obj)): for signal_name in _watched_signals[obj]: obj.disconnect(signal_name, self, '_on_watched_signal') _watched_signals.clear() # Returns a list of all the signal names that were emitted by the object. # If the object is not being watched then an empty list is returned. func get_signals_emitted(obj): var emitted = [] if(is_watching_object(obj)): for signal_name in _watched_signals[obj]: if(_watched_signals[obj][signal_name].size() > 0): emitted.append(signal_name) return emitted