tool extends Node # An adapter which implements a socket with a protocol supported by Nakama. class_name NakamaSocketAdapter var _ws := var _timeout : int = 30 var _start : int = 0 var logger = # A signal emitted when the socket is connected. signal connected() # A signal emitted when the socket is disconnected. signal closed() # A signal emitted when the socket has an error when connected. signal received_error(p_exception) # A signal emitted when the socket receives a message. signal received(p_bytes) # PoolByteArray # If the socket is connected. func is_connected_to_host(): return _ws.get_connection_status() == WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_CONNECTED # If the socket is connecting. func is_connecting_to_host(): return _ws.get_connection_status() == WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_CONNECTING # Close the socket with an asynchronous operation. func close(): _ws.disconnect_from_host() # Connect to the server with an asynchronous operation. # @param p_uri - The URI of the server. # @param p_timeout - The timeout for the connect attempt on the socket. func connect_to_host(p_uri : String, p_timeout : int): _ws.disconnect_from_host() _timeout = p_timeout _start = OS.get_unix_time() var err = _ws.connect_to_url(p_uri) if err != OK: logger.debug("Error connecting to host %s" % p_uri) call_deferred("emit_signal", "received_error", err) # Send data to the server with an asynchronous operation. # @param p_buffer - The buffer with the message to send. # @param p_reliable - If the message should be sent reliably (will be ignored by some protocols). func send(p_buffer : PoolByteArray, p_reliable : bool = true) -> int: return _ws.get_peer(1).put_packet(p_buffer) func _process(delta): if _ws.get_connection_status() == WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_CONNECTING: if _start + _timeout < OS.get_unix_time(): logger.debug("Timeout when connecting to socket") emit_signal("received_error", ERR_TIMEOUT) _ws.disconnect_from_host() else: _ws.poll() if _ws.get_connection_status() != WebSocketClient.CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED: _ws.poll() func _init(): _ws.connect("data_received", self, "_received") _ws.connect("connection_established", self, "_connected") _ws.connect("connection_error", self, "_error") _ws.connect("connection_closed", self, "_closed") func _received(): emit_signal("received", _ws.get_peer(1).get_packet()) func _connected(p_protocol : String): _ws.get_peer(1).set_write_mode(WebSocketPeer.WRITE_MODE_TEXT) emit_signal("connected") func _error(): emit_signal("received_error", FAILED) func _closed(p_clean : bool): emit_signal("closed")