extends Node signal auth_connected signal auth_disconnected var client : StreamPeerTCP = null var server_hostname : String = "" var server_port = 7778 func _ready(): client = StreamPeerTCP.new() client.set_no_delay(true) set_process(false) func auth_connect(host=server_hostname, port=server_port): # Connect if not connected if !client.is_connected_to_host(): server_hostname = host server_port = port # Connect Socket & Create Stream client.connect_to_host(server_hostname, port) # Start listening set_process(true) # Validate intial connection if client.is_connected_to_host(): client.put_string("Hey there daddy!") emit_signal("auth_connected") return true else: # Timeout implemented in `process` loop print("Waiting for host connection...") return false else: print("Client is already connected to server!") return false func auth_disconnect(): client.disconnect_from_host() set_process(false) # Disable listening loop print_debug("Disconnected from host.") emit_signal("auth_disconnected") var count = 0 func _process(delta): if client.get_available_bytes() > 0: print(client.get_available_bytes()) print(client.get_string(client.get_available_bytes())) # Await for client connection if client.get_status()==1: count= count+delta if count>1: # if it took more than 1s to connect, error print_debug("Failed connect, disconnecting...") auth_disconnect() #interrupts connection to nothing