using System; using StackExchange.Redis; class Redis { private ConnectionMultiplexer muxer; private IDatabase conn; private string hostname; private int port; public Redis(string host = "", int p = 6379) { if(host == "") { throw new Exception("Must provide a redis hostname!"); } //Set private variables hostname = host; port = p; //Connect to redis cluster Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to: " + host + ":" + p.ToString()); muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(hostname + ":" + port.ToString()); conn = muxer.GetDatabase(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to redis server!"); } public void SetTest() { string test_val = "Potato"; conn.StringSet("test_val", test_val); Console.WriteLine("Set value to: " + test_val); } public void GetTest() { Console.WriteLine("Value is: " + conn.StringGet("test_val")); } ~Redis() { muxer.Close(); } }