# Defend Together Server Here are the instructions below for running the server locally on linux. ## Build Requirements _Instructions are for Fedora Linux_ Install dependencies: `dnf install enet-devel g++` For testing: `dnf install gtest gmock gmock-devel gtest-devel` ## Building Server Within the server directory run: `bash build.sh` ## Running Tests Within the server directory run: `bash run_tests.sh` ## Running Server If you have already built the server, you can run the binary location at `builds/server.out`, otherwise within the server directory, you can run `run_build.sh` to build and run the server. # Running in Docker A `Dockerfile` is provided in this project. So you can run `docker build -t defend-together .` and then `docker run -p 7777:7777 defend-together` to run locally on port `7777` in docker.