PROJECTNAME="Bird Bot" PROJECT_BIN="birdbot" VERSION="DEV" BUILD_NUMBER:=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) # Go related variables. GOBASE=$(shell pwd) GOBIN=$(GOBASE)/build GOFILES=$(wildcard *.go) # Make is verbose in Linux. Make it silent. MAKEFLAGS += --silent go-full-build: go-clean go-get go-build go-build: @echo " > Building binary..." @mkdir -p $(GOBIN) @CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags "-X$(VERSION) -X$(BUILD_NUMBER)" -o $(GOBIN)/$(PROJECT_BIN) $(GOFILES) @chmod 755 $(GOBIN)/$(PROJECT_BIN) go-generate: @echo " > Generating dependency files..." @go generate $(generate) go-get: @go env -w @echo " > Checking if there is any missing dependencies..." @go get $(get) go-install: @echo " > Running go install..." @go install $(GOFILES) go-clean: @echo " > Cleaning build cache" @go clean go-test: clean @echo " > Running tests..." @go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./*/ go-run: @echo " > Running ${PROJECTNAME}" @-(cd $(GOBIN); ./$(PROJECT_BIN)) docker-build: @docker build . -t yeslayla/birdbot:latest docker-run: docker-build @docker run -it -v `pwd`/build:/etc/birdbot yeslayla/birdbot:latest docker-push: docker-build @docker push yeslayla/birdbot:latest ## install: Download and install dependencies install: go-get # clean: Runs go clean clean: go-clean ## full-build: cleans project, installs dependencies, and builds project full-build: go-full-build ## build: Runs go build build: go-build ## package: Builds lambda zip package: go-full-build @echo " > Zipping package..." @cd $(GOBIN) && zip $(PROJECTNAME).zip $(PROJECTNAME) ## clean: Runs go clean clean: @rm -rf build ## run: full-builds and executes project binary run: go-build go-run ## test: Run unit tests test: go-test ## help: Displays help text for make commands .DEFAULT_GOAL := help all: help help: Makefile @echo " Choose a command run in "$(PROJECTNAME)":" @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /'