library('pipeline-library') pipeline { options { timestamps() } agent any environment { SERVICE = 'auto-semver' GITHUB_KEY = 'rbn-ops github' GITHUB_URL = '' //Image tag to use for self-versioning SELF_SEMVER_TAG = "develop" } stages { //Runs versioning in docker container stage('Self Version') { steps { withCredentials( [secret( credentialsId: 'RbnDockerRegistry', secretVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY')]) { runAutoSemver("${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/auto-semver:${SELF_SEMVER_TAG}") } } post{ // Update Git with status of version stage. success { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Passed version stage', 'SUCCESS', 'Version') } failure { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Failed version stage', 'FAILURE', 'Version') } } } stage('Build') { steps { echo "Building ${env.SERVICE} docker image" withCredentials( [secret( credentialsId: 'RbnDockerRegistry', secretVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY')]) { // Docker build flags are set via the getDockerBuildFlags() shared library. sh "docker build ${getDockerBuildFlags()} -t ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${env.SERVICE}:${env.VERSION} ." } sh "python sdist" } post{ // Update Git with status of build stage. success { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Passed build stage', 'SUCCESS', 'Build') } failure { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Failed build stage', 'FAILURE', 'Build') } } } stage('Push') { steps { withEcr { withCredentials( [secret( credentialsId: 'RbnDockerRegistry', secretVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY')]) { sh "docker push ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${env.SERVICE}:${env.VERSION}" script { if("${env.BRANCH_NAME}" == "develop") { sh "docker tag ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${env.SERVICE}:${env.VERSION} ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${env.SERVICE}:latest" sh "docker push ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${env.SERVICE}:latest" } } } } sh "aws s3 cp `ls -t ./dist/semver-* | head -1` s3://rbn-ops-pkg-us-east-1/${env.SERVICE}/${env.SERVICE}-${env.VERSION}.tar.gz" } post { // Update Git with status of push stage. success { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Passed push stage', 'SUCCESS', 'Push') } failure { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Failed push stage', 'FAILURE', 'Push') } } } stage('Push Version and Tag') { steps { echo "The current branch is ${env.BRANCH_NAME}." gitPushTags(env.GITHUB_KEY) } } } post { success { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Passed build and test', 'SUCCESS') } failure { updateGithubCommitStatus(GITHUB_URL, 'Failed build and test', 'FAILURE') } } }